Sunday, November 13, 2011

Neo Nazi scare in Germany

A scandal breaking in Germany.

It has been discovered that over a period of 13 years at least eight people of Turkish origin have been killed by Neo Nazis.

It is being argued by a number of people that had these murders been perpetrated by a left wing group there would have been a far greater effort made to apprehend those who committed the crimes.

It is believed that three people killed all eight people. Two of the perpetrators took their own lives in Zwickau and a third suspect has been arrested by the police.

The three people were under suspicion for a number of years and managed to avoid arrest. The police were aware that the same gun - a Cezska - was used in all eight murders.

The group gives themselves the name, NSU - Nationalist Socialist Underground.

A Green politician on Guenther Jauch argued this evening that the Neo Nazis believe that what they are doing is what many people in soeicty are thinking but have not got the 'courage' to do it.

The advance of the right wing in state and church is scary.


Francis Hunt said...

There's some very strange stuff about this group; some of which will hopefully be made public now that they've finally been caught. Among the many attacks for which they were apparently responsible was a nail-bomb attack in an overwhelmingly Turkish district of Cologne (Müllheim) in July 2004. I remember reports at the time saying that the police say no reason to suspect any racist right-wing connections to the crime - claiming that it was likely that the attack had its roots in inner-Turkish conflicts.

It turns out that this was completely wrong. Was it just total incompetence, or were there cover-up elements involved? Justice has always tended to blindness in the right eye.

Michael Commane said...

Of course justice has always tended to blindness in the right eye.
The way of the world.
And in the church too. Imagine a person of left wing belief getting away with the madness of the current behaviour of right wing activists.

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