Friday, November 4, 2011

Ireland says ciao to world's top intelligence service

The closing of the Irish embassy to the Holy See in Rome is a significant break for the State.

It is generally recognised by the CIA, MI5, BND, Mossad and many more intelligence services that the top experts in the field are the Holy See.

Is it a good idea that the State closes its eyes and ears to such a service?


  1. Just read the below about the embassy: "Furthermore, the government of Ireland has already asked the European bankers to prove Ireland is in debt to them, show where the money came from, prove that it is real and prove they have the legal rights to it. This is something they cannot do which is why Ireland is not in the headlines. It is also one of the reasons they have shut down Ireland’s Vatican embassy."

  2. But who is the author of the quote?

  3. It's Benjamin Fulford:
