Friday, September 23, 2011

Bundestag falls silent for Pope Benedict

The link below is from today's Frankfurter Rundschau. It is on Pope Benedict's visit to the Bundestag. Interesting and enjoyable to read.

"Anspruchsvoll und nachdenklich" oder letztlich nichts Neues? Die Papstrede dominiert heute die Leitartikel der deutschen Zeitungen - und erhält viel Lob. Benedikt XVI. habe mit dem Herzen gesprochen, meint die Leipziger Volkszeitung. Die Frankfurter Rundschau lobt dagegen vor allem das Geschick des Papstes. [dlf]

The above is from ARD "The Pope's address in Parliament dominates today's editorials and receives much praise.

"Benedict XVI spoke from the heart, the Leipziger Volkszeitung writes. The Frankfurter Rundschau praises the skill of Pope Benedict.

The Pope also said in his speech: " We Germans have seen how power became divorced from what was right ... how a highly organised band of robbers were capable of threatening the whole world."

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