Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Money matters

Should anyone be looking for a single ticket railway voucher, all they have to do is call into a Credit Union office and purchase one. They are €30.50.
I called in to the Tralee Credit Union office to be met by a queue that was stretching from the counter area to the entrance door. It reminded me of that RTE programme 'Queueing for a Living'. But it also made me think of the different ways privilege manifests itself. I imagine people in high income jobs, people who don't have to think about money are seldom inside a Credit Union office.
An anonymous subscriber makes a comment re 'cleaning windows'. I don't really think the argument holds. I have stressed that anonymous subscribers are really not welcome on this blog.


  1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2007

    would it not be easier to buy a ticket in the train station?!

  2. No, not at all. Irish Rail does not sell single journey tickets at half the return fare. A five-day return to Tralee is €62 whereas a single ticket is priced at €58. But with the voucher in question you pay €30.50 and can travel from Tralee to Sligo for that price. Rail pricing in Ireland is a complicated issue.
    Irish Rail is in the process of offering 'sane' single fares on their web page.
