Sunday, December 24, 2023

The exclamation mark plays a major role in free sheet Alive!

The two words ‘Far Right' are appearing more and more often across all media platforms. It can be difficult to understand what exactly they mean. Is there any difference between the far right and the far left. 

Is X, formerly Twitter, now a space for the ‘Far Right? Probably. A headline in today’s Sunday Independent runs: 'Elon Musk’s Twitter has always been a sewer, says Varadkar.’

And it’s probably a fair description of the particular medium.

The rise of the Far Right in world politics was preceded by its development in the Catholic Church, which first began to show its ugly head 30/40 years ago.

In the current edition of the free sheet Alive! there is a picture of Elon Musk with the headline on the story: ‘Elon Musk calls out on abortion’.

The short news story reports how Musk has been speaking out against abortion and birth control for some time. Linking birth control and abortion seems an odd juxtaposition.

It’s interesting that Alive! did not tell its readers that Elon Musk has 11 children with three different women. Isn’t that another juxtaposition of simply sloppy journalism. Nor is there a mention of how he treated his Dublin workers when he bought the company.

The lead story on the same page runs: 'Abortion advocate Liam Neeson to read Advent Meditations on Catholic Prayer App.’

On page 8, which seems to be an ad, the headline runs: 'You can block evil by prayer! Place your hands on this map of Ireland every day and pray the prayer below!’ 

On the opposite page there is an article about  a law firm saying that hate speech bill will apply to companies.

At the bottom of page 1 of Alive! there is the following sentence: The content of the newspaper Alive! and the views expressed in it are those of the editor and contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Irish Dominican Province.

Is it not the purpose of a newspaper to tell the news in an unbiased fashion? Opinion pieces in a fair and open newspaper are but part of the newspaper, at least in democracies.

What actually is the connection between Alive! and the Irish Dominicans? How many Irish Dominicans approve of Alive!?

Exclamation marks play a significant role in the free sheet Alive!

Just as there is a great divide in society between the ‘Far Right' and society in general, so too does the same divide exist in the Catholic Church.

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