Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The terror of Ukraine, Afghanistan and Dresden

It is said by Western military experts that the Russian Army is losing in the region of 700 troops every day.

On this day, February 15, 1989 the Soviet Union announced that all its troops had left Afghanistan. The Russians lost 15,000 troops in Afghanistan with up to 35,000 injured.

February 15, 1945 was the last day  of the three day bombing of Dresden where up to 25,000 civilians were killed.

Can nobody shout stop and see to it that the violence and horror of war be stopped?

Most soldiers are young boys in their late teens, early 20s. And what at all is it for? It is shocking.

While these ‘children’ are fighting in the dirt and grime of war those who sent them there live in great splendour and wealth.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Julian Assange: "Nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies"

Amy Goodman "The media could be the greatest peacekeeping force on earth. Instead, they give themselves away as a weapon of war."

Ursula von der on Ukrainian casulties, un-cut:

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