Sunday, February 26, 2023

Putin takes page after page out of the Hitler copy book

German built battle tanks have arrived in Ukraine. The first of the Leopard 2 tanks have been supplied by Poland to the Ukrainian Army,

Last week German chancellor Olaf Scholz has said that Germany will now send an extra two Leopards to Ukraine, bring the number of Bundeswehr tanks on Ukrainian soil to 15.

The last German tanks left Ukraine in 1943 as the Red Army headed for Berlin.

President Putin has taken so many pages out of the Hilter copy book that he is turning history upside down.

Poland sending German tanks to Ukraine must be truly mind boggling to octogenarian and nonagenarian Poles.

Between 30,000 and 50,000 people demonstrated in Berlin yesterday against German involvement in the war, demanding that Ukraine and Russia sit down and talk.

Left wing German politician Sahra Wagenknecht spoke at the meeting. It has been noted by many politicians and commentators that the far right and far left have united in opposing the German government in supporting Ukraine as it currently is.

1 comment:

  1. Since 10/02, almost 700,000 people have signed Wagenknecht's petition:

    Manifesto for Peace
    Today is the 352nd day of war in Ukraine (10.2.2023). Over 200,000 soldiers and 50,000 civilians have been killed so far. Women have been raped, children frightened, a whole nation traumatised. If the fighting continues like this, Ukraine will soon be a depopulated, destroyed country. And many people all over Europe are also afraid of an expansion of the war. They fear for their future and that of their children.

    The Ukrainian people, brutally invaded by Russia, need our solidarity. But what would solidarity be now? How much longer is fighting and dying to continue on the battlefield of Ukraine? And what is now, one year later, actually the goal of this war? The German Foreign Minister recently spoke of "us" waging a "war against Russia". Seriously?

    President Selenskyj makes no secret of his goal. After the promised tanks, he is now demanding fighter jets, long-range missiles and warships - to defeat Russia across the board? The German chancellor still assures that he wants to send neither fighter jets nor "ground troops". But how many "red lines" have already been crossed in recent months?

    It is to be feared that Putin will launch a maximum counter-attack at the latest with an attack on Crimea. Are we then heading inexorably down a slippery slope towards world war and nuclear war? It would not be the first major war that has started like this. But it might be the last.

    Ukraine can win individual battles - with the support of the West. But it cannot win a war against the world's largest nuclear power. That is also what the highest-ranking military officer in the USA, General Milley, says. He speaks of a stalemate in which neither side can win militarily and the war can only be ended at the negotiating table. Then why not now? Immediately!

    Negotiation does not mean surrender. Negotiating means making compromises, on both sides. With the aim of preventing further hundreds of thousands of deaths and worse. We think so too, half of the German population thinks so too. It is time to listen to us!

    We citizens of Germany cannot directly influence America and Russia or our European neighbours. But we can and must hold our government and the Chancellor to account and remind him of his oath: "To avert harm from the German people".

    We call on the Chancellor to stop the escalation of arms deliveries. Now! He should lead a strong alliance for a ceasefire and peace negotiations at both the German and European levels. Now! Because every day lost costs up to 1,000 more lives - and brings us closer to a 3rd world war.

    Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht
