Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Davy Fitzgerald's toughest team take on Carantouhill

RTE deserves great praise for Monday evening's  final episode of 'Davy's Toughest Team'.

Legendary Davy Fitzgerald, current manager of the Wexford senior hurling team, had planned to take a group of young men to the base camp of Mount Everest but the pandemic put paid to that and the team instead climbed Ireland's highest mountain, Carantouhill in South Kerry.

All the young men had checkered backgrounds, had left school early and some of them had dabbled in drugs.

The project seemed to give the adventurers a good sense of the importance of camaraderie.

The adventure gave new insights to the participants and brought home to them the importance of people working together.

Fitzgerald managed to instil in them a great sense of purpose. What must the man be like at half time in the dressing room?

The team made it to the summit minus one young man who had knee problems. It was surprising that the phsyio gave him the green light to set out on the climb.

A follow-up programme on the lives of the young men in five years time would make for an interesting programme.

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