Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trump lets the genie out of far-right bottle

Watching Donald Trump's fans riot on Capitol Hill last evening gives the world some idea of what happens when the genie is let out of the bottle of the far-right.

How would America react if this had been a Muslim or Black Lives Matter demonstration?

America has known for days now that this would happen. Trump has used the word combat. Far-right radio station Patriot has been strongly advising its listeners to travel to Washington and do this.

It might sound a step too far but watching this madness there are those who will say a similar violent far-right grouping is growing within the Catholic Church. And it's happening in front of our eyes.

And they are merciless and fanatical.

All during the presidency of Donald Trump there have been Catholic priests supporting Trump. Among those is Dominican  Pius Pietrzyk, who tweets on a daily basis his praise of  Donald Trump.

Here's his last tweet: We have a media and political elite that has been rationalizing violent protests for the last six months, and now seems surprised to find that tacit support of violence leads to more violence. These violent protests are horrendous -- both six months ago and now. Pray for peace.

In Ireland David Quinn is constantly chipping away at all views and opinions that are not in accord with his own vision of the world.

For many months now he has been questioning the Covid pandemic and has often tweeted that government has been overreacting.

One of his latest tweets: I asked the HSE how many patients in hospital who have Covid would be there anyway due to other conditions. They don't know. Here is their answer in full. Surely this kind of information should be available to analyse properly what is going on? @AnMailleach @CormacLucey

John Watters and Gemma O'Doherty are often asked to talk to far-right Catholic groupings.

And then there are the two far-right newspapers, Alive and Catholic Voice.

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