Sunday, January 17, 2021

Netflix film on Berlin's Charité hospital not to be missed

Currently on Netflix, Charité comes highly recommended. It was first screened on Germany's ARD in 2017.

The film traces the history of the famous Berlin hospital, where Robert Koch and Emil von Behring made their discoveries. And then the rivalry between the two great men.

Plus the thought that Hoechst AG will make them wealthy men.

Koch's famous divorce to marry Hedwig Freiberg.                  

The hospital has survived the German Reich, the Weimar Republic, the Nazis, East Germany and now once again, flourishes in a united Germany. Focus magazine voted it Germany's best clinic in 2017.

Because of the research at the hospital and the rush to cure tuberculosis and diptheria the film is particularly apposite in the time of Covid and another rush to find a vaccine.

Then the story of religion, anti-semitism, homosexuality and, indeed, heterosexuality.

At the end of the 19th century is was still not possible in the German Reich for a woman to study medicine.

A powerful series and not to be missed. 

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