Friday, January 22, 2021

'Catholic Voice' call for civil disobedience is reprehensible

In a December issue of the Catholic Voice, editor Anthony Murphy writes:

One thing is clear - if the government try to reimpose restrictions and once again ban public worship their[sic] will be little resistance from our bishops and many priests. Therefore we the people must be the ones to lead civil disobedience and we must begin to organise ourselves to do so.

That paragraph appears in a page-long diatribe condemning the bishops, the Association of Catholic Priests and scientists. 

In that same issue the Irish Dominican Province advertises for vocations. 

It is disappointing that the Irish Dominicans would advertise or be associated in any way with such a publication.

Another paragraph goes: Perhaps the most alarming aspect of all this is how readily compliant swathes of the population have been and how easily they surrendered their liberty placing their trust in a group of scientists and politicians far removed from th daily reality of ordinary life. We will be paying the price for the actions of this elite group for many generations to come.

Anthony Murphy is incorrect and he expresses his ignorance in an extraordinary brazen fashion.

Mr Murphy should read the daily figures, check the list of dead and sick across the world. He might talk to front line staff in our hospitals before writing such insulting, indeed, vile words.

The worst possible nonsense.

1 comment:

Andreas said...

Hi Michael,

if you ever get bored in the extended lockdown ahead, you can start practising with a improved pronunciation - scientists have found that aspirated consonants throw spit into the air which makes it more likely to spread COVID-19.

Those who do not manage to do so quickly enough could end up in one of the newly established detention camps. We better get it right!

Why speaking English may spread more coronavirus than other languages:


Germans keep refusing quarantine could put detention centres:

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