Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Parish priest gives new slant to 'mass gatherings'

This week's Independent News & Media Irish regional newspapers' column

Michael Commane

On Friday, November 20 Fr PJ Hughes, parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Mullahoran, Co Cavan spoke on the ‘Today with Claire Byrne’ programme. Contrary to Government regulations he was allowing people attend Mass in his parish church. 

Two gardaĆ­ arrived at his door and explained to him that he was breaking the law.

At one stage during the interview he said that priests who were not opening churches for Mass ‘were afraid’. When I heard Fr Hughes say that I was close to phoning RTE to explain to them that I totally disagreed with him. I for one am not afraid and I am adhering to Government regulations concerning public worship.

Early in the interview Fr Hughes said that he did not represent the church and then later said: ‘I’m the Catholic Church….’.

He also accused the Government for having ‘no regard for people living on their own who have faith in God’. Wow, that’s some statement to make.

Immediately after the interview Dr Gabriel Scally was interviewed by Claire Byrne. His first word was ‘gosh’ and quipped Fr Hughes’ interview was ‘a new meaning for mass gatherings’. Dr Scally was understandably ‘quite shocked’ by what Fr Hughes had to say.

I’m not sure I was shocked because in 46 years of priesthood I have heard many words from many priests that have been simply bizarre.

Yes, we all see the world from our own point of view and for a long time now I have been observing a dysfunctional hierarchical Catholic Church. I have worked for a number of organisations, including the Department of Education as a teacher, for Concern Worldwide as a press officer, for Independent News and Media as a journalist and honestly what I see and experience at times within the priesthood of the Catholic Church does not impress me.

And on top of the crass mismanagement we are now a greatly divided group of men. Within diocesan priesthood it would seem that far too many parish priests consider themselves little fiefs controlling everything in their fiefdom. In religious congregations many ‘superiors’ have no trouble behaving as bullies.

And then the priests who hide behind the institution. On the other hand it would seem there is a breakdown of law and order. Only recently I heard a senior cleric say that there were far too many ‘lone-rangers’ within priesthood. It’s accurate.

Of course there are great priests out there. But there is urgent need for honest and open dialogue.

Sometimes I think the hierarchical church has learned nothing from the last 20/30 years of disclosures. It still seems to be the case that far too many priests feel a sense of entitlement. 

There is something hard wired inside the brain of the church that says under no circumstances must the ‘good name’ of the hierarchical church be tarnished. 

And that is number one rule. If it means individuals will suffer and pay an enormous price, so be it.

It’s time for all of us to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. What about yourself? Surely the biggest 'lone ranger' of them all, most of whose words and ramblings are quite 'bazaar'. Just like all OPs but worse!
