Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Seamus Heaney on his faith

Jesuit priest Gerry O'Hanlon in an article of The Tablet of August 25 writes of the need for a synodal church in Ireland.

In talking about the state of faith in Ireland, he quotes Seamus Heaney:

There was never a scene/when I had it out with myself or with another./The loss occurred offstage/
Yet I cannot/disrespect words like 'thanksgiving' or 'host'/ or even 'communion wafer'. They have an undying/pallor and draw, like well water far down.

In so many ways it says so much.

1 comment:

  1. I see pope Francis record of dealing with abuser priest's in Argentina, while he was an archbishop, is finally catching up with him. He has to go.
