Friday, December 8, 2017

Christine Keeler

A story in yesterday's Guardian about Christine Keeler, who died on Tuesday makes for interesting reading.

On this the feast of the Immaculate Conception there is a special resonance about this story.

“But for Keeler there was no legacy but shame; guilt clings to the victim, then as now. Her marriages failed, her money was lost, and she was fired from a menial job when her identity was exposed. 

She was mocked for losing the beauty that defined her; Christine Keeler looking rough became a tabloid staple, for what else was she for? 

She was mocked, too, for seeking to profit from the scandal with her memoirs; but if men can benefit from her story, why not she? The answer is simple, and eternal. She was the woman, and the woman bears the guilt.”

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you follow the nexflicks series 'The Crown'. In the current series one of the epesodes deals with the Keeler scandal, as it was at the time.
