Sunday, September 3, 2017

Priests and communicating

On Friday the Guardian carried a story about a new book on Pope Francis, which will be published this week.

Pope Francis says he attended a psychoanalyst when he was Jesuit provinical during the military dictatorship in Argentina.

It should be compulsory for every provinical to receive psychotherapy/psychoanalysis.

Francis also admits to being in a cage in the Vatican, 'but not spiritually'.

In the interviews in the book he has a few words to say about priests who are 'rigid and afraid to communicate'.

A wise man, who knows a thing or two, is our Pope Franics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I attended psychoanalysis during a particularly low period in my life. It helped me overcome an abusive situation I was in at the time and kicked off a change in my life that has brought freedom, truth and happiness. I highly recommend it! Denis Joseph

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