Sunday, December 27, 2015

Roll over or roll under?

From the Guardian online.

What if you don't have a holder and leave it somewhere else?

But bet you have thought about it before, maybe even as a child. Which way?

'Guardian online'
This week let’s do a bit of – ahem – roll play. How do you prefer to hang your toilet roll? Do you like the loose end to be far away from the wall (the over style) or next to the wall (the under style)? 
Now let’s see what Dr Gilda Carle (“relationship expert to the stars”) has to say about your choice.
If you roll over… You like taking charge, crave organisation and are likely to overachieve.
If you roll under… You’re laid-back, dependable and seek relationships with strong foundations.
If you don’t care, as long as it’s there… You aim to minimise conflict, value flexibility and like putting yourself in new situations.
But could your choice tell us something about your earning power? One US survey found that 73 per cent of people who earn under $20,000 roll under, while 60 per cent of those who earn over $50,000 roll over. These surveys do not quite meet the standards required for a scientific psychology study – but if this column is your favourite bathroom reading it will give you something to ponder.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it's correlated with intelligence rather than earnings. The over position makes it easier to cleanly snap the sections without provoking the roll to "do an Andrex".
