Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dublin's way not Berlin's

Why all this talk about privatising a proportion of the services operated by Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann?

Who owns and operates the buses, the U-Bahn and the S Bahn in Berlin?  It works well.


Andreas said...

Wikipedia says the following "The S-Bahn is currently managed by the S-Bahn Berlin GmbH, a subsidiary company of DBAG."
In times where cities even privatize there waternetwork etc is that not a suprise to me!
The word 'privat' comes from the latin word privare which means more or less 'to bereave'.
im 16. Jahrhundert von lateinisch privatus → la "privat" entlehnt, Partizip zu lateinisch privare "trennen", "berauben", wörtlich also "beraubt" )

Michael Commane said...

If that be so why is the DB logo on all S Bahn units?

Michael Commane said...


"Although the S- and U-Bahn are part of a unified fare system, they have different operators. The S-Bahn is operated by S-Bahn Berlin GmbH, a subsidiary of the Deutsche Bahn, whilst the U-Bahn is run by BVG, the main public transit company for the city of Berlin."

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