Friday, November 21, 2014

Killarney and Kilkenny

Ever wonder whether it is Killarnery or Kilarney, Kilkenny or Killkenny?

There's a rule. If the prefix is followed by a consonant there is only one 'l', if it is followed by a vowel there are two 'ls'.

There is one exception and that is Killygordon.


Anonymous said...

so maybe it's not a rule at all?

Thomas G McCarthy said...

Interesting that, Michael.
Of course 'y' can be considered a vowel as well as a consonant! 'Hymn'. 'cypress' and 'myth' are examples.

Anonymous said...

So if the following consonant is an L then it is kill... After all

Michael Commane said...

This blog has always been struck by the world of anonymity.

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