Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life seems impossible without the mobile phone

Do you use a mobile phone? You probably do. Do you think you use it a lot? Do you think you could manage without it?

It seems that most people are never far away from their mobile phone. Are you ever irritated by the non-stop phone babble on trains and buses?

Do you think you are different from all those ‘other’ mobile babblers?
Can you imagine life without your mobile phone?

Yesterday afternoon I was standing on the platform at Mallow Station. I had my rail ticket in the pouch of my mobile phone. Do you know that sinking feeling of having searched every pocket over and over? There is nothing left but to admit that it’s gone. Phone and ticket. I had left my phone in a friend’s car.

It was some time before I thought of the obvious – call the number.

Through the kind help of Irish Rail the phone was back with me within two hours.

Maybe because my rail ticket was with it and because I did not have the telephone number of the owner of the car I felt so isolated.

But is seems scary how it feels without a mobile phone.

Ten, 20, 30, 40 years ago I would know by heart often dialled numbers. Today I know maybe two. Then again, the days of dialling are long gone.

What at all is ahead?

1 comment:

  1. One commentaror recently said that the internet, rather than helping us know more, is actually resulting in us learning less because retrieval is so much easier. My children, under 6, think of 'google' as a verb!
