Saturday, July 31, 2010

Moving service in Duisburg

This morning in the Salvatorkirche in the German city of Duisburg there was a service of remembrance for those killed in the disaster in the city last week. Among those present were the German President and German Chancellor.

At the end of the service, Hannelore Kraft, prime minister of Nordrhein Westfalen gave an address. She spoke of the need to help and support those who have been bereaved and all those who have been injured.

She said that she had been greatly moved during the week while speaking to the bereaved. She quoted one father, who said to her that his daughter would not be lost in vain if as a result of this accident we would all put more value on the importance of people. Frau Kraft reiterated his words and promised she would do all in her power as prime minister of NRW to place the worth of the individual above everything else.

Frau Kraft was visibly moved by the occasion. No doubt her words will ring around the world in the next days.

1 comment:

Francis Hunt said...

One of those not present was the mayor of Dusiburg, Adolf Sauerland. As the man who ultimately approved and gave permission for the event (including its disastrous security concept) he's clearly the one who has to take the political responsibility for the tragedy. He declined to attend the service saying he didn't want to give offence. There are rumours that one of the reasons he hasn't resigned is that he would lose pension entitlements if he did so.

It strikes me that - even if he is forced to go - he could have a great future in Irish politics!

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