Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Inappropriate ideas and language

Fr Vincent Twomey is quoted as saying, “Many of those had no real vocations and in that sense they were frustrated sexually."

Fr Twomey was referring to the abuse that has now been unfolded.

The statement at face value seems 'strange'. Has Fr Twomey some extraordinary insight that allows him discern what a 'true vocation' is?

Is he saying that men with 'true vocations' were not 'frustrated sexually'?

Fr Twomey expresses a certitude and cosiness about priesthood and celibacy that is most worrying.

Would he say that the founder of the Legionaries of Christ did not have a true vocation? The logic of his argument would seem to apply he would have to, and in that case could it be argued that the congregation is 'invalid' and should be disbanded. Maybe it should be.

Great nonsense has been written about 'vocation' to the priesthood.

It is always worth noting when someone in the organisation does 'well' the side is considered 'great and wonderful'. When things go wrong, the individual becomes the 'dregs of society'.
Nothing new in the underlings and those not in power and control being scapegoated.

In the Russian German museum at Karlshorst outside Berlin there is a recording of a speech given by Himmler to party faithful. It is about the character of the Russian person. He uses terms such as the 'dregs of society'.

All organisations need to be checked and monitored and no grouping can police itself.

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