Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The information relating to the last comment on this blog re 'closing down private blogs' needs a clarification.

The report as it appears on this blog was received indirectly and happens to be incorrect.

The request was that 'private blogs' be 'controlled' and not closed down.

Apologies for the inaccuracy. This blog takes great care to be accurate and transparent at all times.

Michael Commane.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the clarification, Michael. I wonder was there any mention or discussion of ALIVE?

    Calling for 'private' blogs to be closed down raises a question: why? What is it that is being said in these 'private' blogs that is so worrying to the proposer. Perhaps a closely argued critique of the content of 'private' blogs which elaborates how they uniquely damage the mission of the Dominicans might be forthcoming... I won't hold my breath.
